demanded sex

Spear-phishing scammer demanded sex show

ix weeks ago, a young woman called Zed (not her real name) was in a meeting at work when a message popped up on Facebook Messenger from a distant friend.
"Hey babe," it began.
The friend asked Zed to vote for her in an online modelling competition, which she agreed to do.
But then - disaster. Adding her email address to the competition register had caused a tech meltdown, her friend said. She needed to borrow her email log-in to fix it quickly and restore her votes.
Zed was unsure. The friend begged - her career was at stake, she pleaded. Still in the meeting and powerless to make a call, Zed gave in - a momentary leap of faith.
Except it was not her friend that she was talking to - someone else had got into the account and was pretending to be her.
It's a scamming technique known as spear phishing.

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