Madani Malwattage hot sc

Hot gossip sex Symbol of Sri Lanka Sumana Gomez

Sumana Gomez is one of the most hot and exsotict actress ever in Sri Lankan cinema history. This actress is well known as the Sri lankan sexy symbol and Sri Lankan glamor queen.Most of her performance were critically acclaim by audience and she introduce the glamor performance to Sri Lanka. Sumana Gomez got ultimate popular due to her performance of Age Vairaya squeal of movies. Sumana Gomez currently settled in USA and she is one of the most remembered actress ever in Sri Lankan cinema history. Here are several glamor photo collectoin of this hot and sexy Sri Lankan actress Sumana Gomez

Rohani Weerasinghe sexy photo gallery - Photo shoot by Indika Mallawarachchi

Rohani Weerasinghe is one of famous and sexy actress in Sri Lanka. Rohani Weerasinghe is so sexy in some photos. Photo was taken by Indika Mallawarachchi 

Miss BOPF Nadeeka Senadeera hot

Sri Lankan Model Yureni Noshika Blue Hot

There is no doubt that Yureni Noshika is the sexiest girl in Sri Lanka. Perhaps Yureni might be the sexiest girl on earth. The way she reports herself and the positions she takes when she doing modeling is so sexy and talented. I'm a rooted fan of Yureni Noshika and I have a good collection of Yureni Noshika's sexy half nude and non naked photos. Now I'm going to add them for your pleasure.

Yureni Noshika born on 29th January. Yureni's first public appearance was a tele-drama called "Kindurangana" on Swarnawahini. Yureni acted a character of a frisky girl in that tele-drama. Acting in that tele-drama might have been easy for her since she is frisky in her real life too.

These are Yureni Noshika's personal interests -
Drink - Lassie
Food - Italian
Cloth Brand - H&M, Zara Basics
Perfume - Elizebath Arden, Escada(Moon sparkle)
Song - All My Life-Kc & Jo Jo
Singer - Justin Timberlake / Rihanna
Music Band - Blue
TV Presenter - Ryan Seacrest / Tyra Banks
Film - A Walk to Remember / Exorcism of Emily Rose
TV- series - Friends, Prison Break
Sport - Cricket
Place to Chill - Coffee Beans

Hot & Sexy New Photo Shoot of Aruni Rajapaksha

Stunning beauty Aruni Rajapaksha who has stolen thousands of people's hearts is just like a pearl in this little island Sri Lanka. She is one of the Sri Lankan girls who have been gifted the sheer elegance by the great goad. Explanations are useless as Aruni Rajapaksha's half nude photos that I'm about to post are definite evidence of her authentic beauty.

Aruni Rajapaksha who has been working as a full time fashion model in Sri Lanka achieved a great success in Miss Sri Lanka pageant and participated in the Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Universe pageant.

Explaining about her future goals Aruni said that she hopes to enter the international fashion trade. So with that hope she intends to follow a hair and make up design course shortly. As we were informed Aruni likes also Traditional Kandyan dancing.

This is how Aruni Rajapaksha posed her half naked body in Miss Universe pageant appareling a hot orange Bikini (Swimming Suit).

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